Margo Blackstone

Midwife Turned Financial Wellness Coach

Finding Financial Wellness

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Carey is also offering a FREE RENTAL of These Are My Hours on Vimeo

Hey, I’m Margo! I'm a midwife turned hype woman and financial wellness coach. I have always been the person you hoped you'd get paired with for a group project, and now I've harnessed my superpowers and turned them into a variety of offerings for wild soulpreneur women who want to get right with money. I really love getting people organized and inspired with their money, and moving towards the goals that matter most to them in life.

If you’re ready to transform your relationship with money, I have a special free treat for you (who doesn’t like free treats?).

I'm excited to share an exclusive lesson with you about unraveling your money story.
🔍 Why Unravel Your Money Story?

The first step towards holistic financial wellness is transforming your mindset and approach to money.

A powerful mindset aims and turbocharges your financial efforts, setting the stage for lasting success. You can come back to this valuable mindset work as you uncover new money beliefs and layers over time.

This lesson is just 14 minutes long, and has lots of additional homework assignments for you to play with as well.

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